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Funds Confirmations

Create Confirmation of Funds Request

POST /cbpii/funds-confirmations

Endpoint to which CBPIIs can submit confirmation of funds requests. The response will indicate whether or not the relevant account has the amount of funds available as specified in the request.

Request Arguments

The access token you were provided.
A unique identifier for the consent. This value should be used by the TPP in subsequent requests to reference the consent.
Unique reference, as assigned by the CBPII, to unambiguously refer to the request related to the payment transaction.
A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217.
A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds".
$ curl "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken' \
-d '{"Data":{"ConsentId":"{{ConsentId}}","Reference":"UNIQUE Reference","InstructedAmount":{"Amount":"0.01","Currency":"GBP"}}}'

Response Arguments

FundsConfirmationIdUnique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the funds confirmation resource.
ConsentIdA unique identifier for the consent. This value should be used by the TPP in subsequent requests to reference the consent.
CreationDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) that the confirmation of funds was created.
FundsAvailableA boolean value referring to whether or not the funds are available.
ReferenceUnique reference, as assigned by the CBPII, to unambiguously refer to the request related to the payment transaction.
AmountA number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217.
CurrencyA code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds".
TotalPagesThe total number of pages available in the response.
SelfAn absolute URL that references this resource.

Example 201 Response

"Data": {
"FundsConfirmationId": "string",
"ConsentId": "string",
"CreationDateTime": "2019-11-07T18:28:28.062Z",
"FundsAvailable": true,
"Reference": "string",
"InstructedAmount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "GBP"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1