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Consent Management

Our interface provides endpoints allowing authorised TPPs to query and manage the status of AIS consents they’ve requested.

All consent endpoints are served over MTLS. Therefore, the TPP must present a valid OpenBanking transport certificate to successfully connect.

Query Account Request

TPPs can query the status of any consent that they own by sending a GET request to /account-access-consents/{ConsentId} with an access token in the Authorization header that was issued by the authorization server in response to a client_credentials grant.

Attempting to access an invalid Consent ID, or one owned by a different client to the one to which the access token was issued, will result in an error response.

GET /account-access-consents/{$ConsentId}

Retrieves the Account Access Consent for the specified ConsentId. TPPs can use this endpoint to query the status of an Account Access Consent that they previously created.

Request Arguments

The ID of the Account Access Consent to retrieve.
The access token you were provided.
$ curl -X get "$ConsentId" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'

Response Arguments

ConsentIdA uinque identifier for the consent. This value should be used by the TPP in subsequent requests to reference the consent.
StatusThe current status of the consent.
StatusUpdateDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) that the consent was last updated.
CreationDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) that the consent was created.
PermissionsThe list of Open Banking TPP permissions that are associated with this consent.
ExpirationDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) at which the consent will no longer be deemed valid.
TransactionFromDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) from which transactions data will be reported for the PSU in relation to this consent.
TransactionToDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) up to which transactions data will be reported for the PSU in relation to this consent.
SelfAn absolute URL that references this resource.
TotalPagesThe total number of pages available in the response.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"ConsentId": "string",
"Status": "AwaitingAuthorisation",
"StatusUpdateDateTime": "2019-11-07T19:08:46.759Z",
"CreationDateTime": "2019-11-07T19:08:46.759Z",
"Permissions": ["ReadAccountsBasic"],
"ExpirationDateTime": "2019-11-07T19:08:46.759Z",
"TransactionFromDateTime": "2019-11-07T19:08:46.759Z",
"TransactionToDateTime": "2019-11-07T19:08:46.759Z"
"Risk": {},
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

Query Funds Confirmation Request

TPPs can query the status of any consent that they own by sending a GET request to /funds-confirmation-consents/{ConsentId} with an access token in the Authorization header that was issued by the authorization server in response to a client_credentials grant.

Attempting to access an invalid Consent ID, or one owned by a different client to the one to which the access token was issued, will result in an error response.

GET /funds-confirmation-consents/{ConsentId}

Retrieves the Funds Confirmation Consent for the specified ConsentId. CBPIIs can use this endpoint to query the status of a Funds Confirmation Consent that they previously created.

Request Arguments

The ID of the Funds Confirmation Consent to retrieve.
The access token you were provided.
$ curl -X get "$ConsentId" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'

Response Arguments

ConsentIdA unique identifier for the consent. This value should be used by the TPP in subsequent requests to reference the consent.
CreationDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) that the consent was created.
StatusThe current status of the consent.
StatusUpdateDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) that the consent was last updated.
ExpirationDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) at which the consent will no longer be deemed valid.
SchemeNameName of the identification scheme. The only supported value is UK.OBIE.PAN.
IdentificationThe last 4 digits of the customer's PAN.
NameName of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution.
SecondaryIdentificationThis is secondary identification of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution.
SelfAn absolute URL that references this resource.
TotalPagesThe total number of pages available in the response.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"ConsentId": "string",
"CreationDateTime": "2019-11-07T19:08:46.759Z",
"Status": "Authorised",
"StatusUpdateDateTime": "2019-11-07T19:08:46.759Z",
"ExpirationDateTime": "2019-11-07T19:08:46.759Z",
"DebtorAccount": {
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.PAN",
"Identification": "string",
"Name": "string",
"SecondaryIdentification": "string"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 0

Delete Account Request

An authorised TPP may also revoke a given consent by sending a DELETE request to /account-access-consents/{ConsentId} with an access token in the Authorization header that was issued by the authorization server in response to a client_credentials grant.

Attempting to delete a consent ID owned by a different client to the one to which the access token was issued, will result in an error response.

Once deleted by a TPP, access to the customer's data using tokens issued in relation to this consent will be rejected. The TPP will also no longer be able to query the status of that particular consent, although it will remain visible to the customer from within the Capital One's account servicing facility for their reference.

Note: Consent can be unilaterally revoked by the customer at any time from within the Capital One account servicing facility. Once this has been done, access to the customer's data using tokens issued in relation to this consent will be rejected.

TPPs will still be able to query the status of the consent as described above. If the consent has been revoked by the customer, the Status field will be updated to Revoked.

DELETE /account-access-consents/{$ConsentId}

Deletes the specified Account Access Consent. TPPs should use this endpoint to notify Capital One that a customer has revoked their consent with the TPP.

Request Arguments

The ID of the Account Access Consent to delete
The access token you were provided.
$ curl -X delete "$ConsentId" \
-H "accept: */*" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'

Response Arguments

Status: 204The specified Account Access Consent was deleted.
Status: 401The Authorization header was either missing, or its value was not valid (e.g. the token may have expired). A new access token should be obtained via a refresh_token grant to the /token endpoint.
Status: 403The client does not have access to the specified Account Access Consent

Customers must re-confirm consent to share their data at least every 90 days.

This can be completed by using the existing intent ID in a request to the /authorize endpoint (as per the OBIE specifications).