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Data Access

Access to customer data can be obtained by sending requests to our interface Account Information Service (AIS) data endpoints. We provide support for accounts, balances, statements and transactions of the Open Banking Specification 3.1.2

All data endpoints are served over MTLS. Therefore, TPPs must present a valid OpenBanking transport certificate to successfully connect. Each request MUST also include an Authorization header containing the access token issued in response to the authorization_code grant for a given consent.

We do not currently provide pagination on any of the data endpoints. Our interface implements rate-limiting on TPP data requests. Where the customer is not present (as indicated by the absence of a x-fapi-customer-ip-address header) and the rate limit is reached, a 429 response will be returned.


Our implementation supports individual and bulk Account requests.

Bulk Accounts Data

GET /accounts

Allows a TPP to enumerate the accounts for a given consent and obtain the details of those accounts.

The consent associated with the presented access token must have been created with either the ReadAccountsBasic or ReadAccountsDetails permissions.

The account details returned will depend on which permission was included in the original consent.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
$ curl -X get "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
CurrencyCapital One accounts are always reported in GBP.
AccountTypeAlthough the OpenBanking specification supports values of 'Personal' and 'Business' for this data field, Capital One APIs will only ever report 'Personal' accounts.
AccountSubTypeAlthough the OpenBanking specification supports a number of allowed values for this data field, Capital One APIs will only ever report accounts with a subtype of 'CreditCard'.
DescriptionA textual description of the account.
SchemeNameAlthough the OpenBanking specification supports a number of allowed values for this data field, Capital One APIs will only ever report accounts for the 'UK.OBIE.PAN' scheme.
IdentificationA masked version of the Primary Account Number (PAN).

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Account": [
"AccountId": "string",
"Currency": "GBP",
"AccountType": "Personal",
"AccountSubType": "CreditCard",
"Description": "string",
"Account": {
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.PAN",
"Identification": "string"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

Account Data

GET /accounts/{AccountId}

Retrieves account information for the specified account ID.

The consent associated with the presented access token must have been created with either the ReadAccountsBasic or ReadAccountsDetails permissions.

The level of detail returned in the response will depend on which permission was included in the original consent.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
The ID of the account to retrieve.
$ curl -X get "$AccountId" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
CurrencyCapital One accounts are always reported in GBP.
AccountTypeAlthough the OpenBanking specification supports values of 'Personal' and 'Business' for this data field, Capital One APIs will only ever report 'Personal' accounts.
AccountSubTypeAlthough the OpenBanking specification supports a number of allowed values for this data field, Capital One APIs will only ever report accounts with a subtype of 'CreditCard'.
DescriptionA textual description of the account.
SchemeNameAlthough the OpenBanking specification supports a number of allowed values for this data field, Capital One APIs will only ever report accounts for the 'UK.OBIE.PAN' scheme.
IdentificationA masked version of the Primary Account Number (PAN).

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Account": [
"AccountId": "string",
"Currency": "GBP",
"AccountType": "Personal",
"AccountSubType": "CreditCard",
"Description": "string",
"Account": {
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.PAN",
"Identification": "string"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1


Our implementation supports individual and bulk Balances requests.

Bulk Balances Data

GET /balances

Retrieves balance information for all accounts associated with the customer consent granted for the access token presented.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
$ curl -X get "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
AmountA numeric value indicating the current balance for the account.
CurrencyThe currency in which the balance value is being reported.
CreditDebitIndicatorAn indicator as to whether the account balance is in credit or debit.
TypeBalance type, in a coded form. Capital One will only ever report OpeningBooked.
DateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) of the balance.
IncludedIndicates whether or not the credit line is included in the balance of the account.
TypeThe type of the credit limit.
AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units to describe the credit line.
CurrencyThe currency in which the credit line amount is being reported.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Balance": [
"AccountId": "string",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
"Type": "OpeningBooked",
"DateTime": "string",
"CreditLine": {
"Included": true,
"Type": "Credit",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

Balance Data

GET /accounts/{AccountId}/balances

Retrieves balance information for the specified account ID.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
The ID of the account for which to retrieve balance information.
$ curl -X get "$accountId/balances" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
AmountA numeric value indicating the current balance for the account.
CurrencyThe currency in which the balance value is being reported.
CreditDebitIndicatorAn indicator as to whether the account balance is in credit or debit.
TypeBalance type, in a coded form. Capital One will only ever report OpeningBooked.
DateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) of the balance.
IncludedIndicates whether or not the credit line is included in the balance of the account.
TypeThe type of the credit limit.
AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units to describe the credit line.
CurrencyThe currency in which the credit line amount is being reported.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Balance": [
"AccountId": "string",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "Credit",
"Type": "OpeningBooked",
"DateTime": "string",
"CreditLine": {
"Included": true,
"Type": "Credit",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1


Our implementation supports fetching statements data by bulk, by account ID and by statement ID. You can also fetch transactions data by statement ID.

Bulk Statements Data

GET /statements

Retrieves statement information for all accounts associated with the customer consent granted for the access token presented.

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Following customer authentication, access to more than 90 days worth of statement data will be possible for up to a 5 minute window. After this has elapsed or for any information requests without a customer authentication journey, Capital One will proactively trim any requests for more than 90 days worth of data.

If you require data older than 90 days you must request it following a successful customer authentication journey. You must also make the request within a 5 minute period following Capital One receiving confirmation that customer authentication has been completed.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
fromStatementDateTimeA filtering parameter to restrict the returned statement data. Only statements created after the specified time will be returned in the response.
Note: Statements may be further restricted based upon the TransactionFromDateTime specified in the consent agreed with the customer.
toStatementDateTimeA filtering parameter to restrict the returned statement data. Only statements created before the specified time will be returned in the response.
Note: Statements may be further restricted based upon the TransactionToDateTime specified in the consent agreed with the customer.
$ curl -X get "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
CreationDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement was created.
EndDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement period ends.
StartDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement period starts.
StatementIdA unique identifier for the statement resource.
TypeThe type of statement.
StatementAmountA container for the StatementAmounts of the statement.
StatementAmount.AmountA container for a specific StatementAmount amount.
StatementAmount.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementAmount.
StatementAmount.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementAmount amount is being reported.
StatementAmount.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementAmount was a credit or debit.
StatementAmount.TypeThe type of StatementAmount being detailed.
StatementDateTimeA container for the StatementDateTimes of the statement.
StatementDateTime.DateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) value of the StatementDateTime.
StatementDateTime.TypeThe type of StatementDateTime being detailed.
StatementFeeA container for the StatementFees of the statement.
StatementFee.AmountA container for a specific StatementFee amount.
StatementFee.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementFee.
StatementFee.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementFee amount is being reported.
StatementFee.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementFee was a credit or debit.
StatementFee.TypeThe type of StatementFee being detailed.
StatementInterestA container for the StatementInterests of the statement.
StatementInterest.AmountA container for a specific StatementInterest amount.
StatementInterest.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementInterest.
StatementInterest.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementInterest amount is being reported.
StatementInterest.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementInterest was a credit or debit.
StatementInterest.TypeThe type of StatementInterest being detailed.
StatementRateA container for the StatementRates of the statement.
StatementRate.RateA numeric value indicating the rate that was applied.
StatementRate.TypeThe type of StatementRate being detailed.
StatementDescriptionA supplemental description for the statement.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Statement": [
"AccountId": "string",
"CreationDateTime": "string",
"EndDateTime": "string",
"StartDateTime": "string",
"StatementId": "string",
"Type": "string",
"StatementAmount": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementDateTime": [
"DateTime": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementFee": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementInterest": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementRate": [
"Rate": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementDescription": [
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

Statement Data

GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements

Retrieves statement information for the specified account ID.

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Following customer authentication, access to more than 90 days worth of statement data will be possible for up to a 5 minute window. After this has elapsed or for any information requests without a customer authentication journey, Capital One will proactively trim any requests for more than 90 days worth of data.

If you require data older than 90 days you must request it following a successful customer authentication journey. You must also make the request within a 5 minute period following Capital One receiving confirmation that customer authentication has been completed.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
The ID of the account for which to retrieve statement information.
fromStatementDateTimeA filtering parameter to restrict the returned statement data. Only statements created after the specified time will be returned in the response.
Note: Statements may be further restricted based upon the TransactionFromDateTime specified in the consent agreed with the customer.
toStatementDateTimeA filtering parameter to restrict the returned statement data. Only statements booked before the specified time will be returned in the response.
Note: Statements may be further restricted based upon the TransactionToDateTime specified in the consent agreed with the customer.
$ curl -X get "$accountId/statements" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
CreationDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement was created.
EndDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement period ends.
StartDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement period starts.
StatementIdA unique identifier for the statement resource.
TypeThe type of statement.
StatementAmountA container for the StatementAmounts of the statement.
StatementAmount.AmountA container for a specific StatementAmount amount.
StatementAmount.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementAmount.
StatementAmount.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementAmount amount is being reported.
StatementAmount.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementAmount was a credit or debit.
StatementAmount.TypeThe type of StatementAmount being detailed.
StatementDateTimeA container for the StatementDateTimes of the statement.
StatementDateTime.DateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) value of the StatementDateTime.
StatementDateTime.TypeThe type of StatementDateTime being detailed.
StatementFeeA container for the StatementFees of the statement.
StatementFee.AmountA container for a specific StatementFee amount.
StatementFee.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementFee.
StatementFee.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementFee amount is being reported.
StatementFee.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementFee was a credit or debit.
StatementFee.TypeThe type of StatementFee being detailed.
StatementInterestA container for the StatementInterests of the statement.
StatementInterest.AmountA container for a specific StatementInterest amount.
StatementInterest.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementInterest.
StatementInterest.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementInterest amount is being reported.
StatementInterest.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementInterest was a credit or debit.
StatementInterest.TypeThe type of StatementInterest being detailed.
StatementRateA container for the StatementRates of the statement.
StatementRate.RateA numeric value indicating the rate that was applied.
StatementRate.TypeThe type of StatementRate being detailed..
StatementDescriptionA supplemental description for the statement.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Statement": [
"AccountId": "string",
"CreationDateTime": "string",
"EndDateTime": "string",
"StartDateTime": "string",
"StatementId": "string",
"Type": "string",
"StatementAmount": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string",
"SubType": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementDateTime": [
"DateTime": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementFee": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementInterest": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementRate": [
"Rate": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementDescription": [
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

Statement Data by Statement ID

GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements/{StatementId}

Retrieves statement information for the specified account ID and statement ID.

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Following customer authentication, access to more than 90 days worth of statement data will be possible for up to a 5 minute window. After this has elapsed or for any information requests without a customer authentication journey, Capital One will proactively trim any requests for more than 90 days worth of data.

If you require data older than 90 days you must request it following a successful customer authentication journey. You must also make the request within a 5 minute period following Capital One receiving confirmation that customer authentication has been completed.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
The ID of the account for which to retrieve statement information.
The ID of the statement for which to retrieve.
$ curl -X get "$accountId/statements/$statementId" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
CreationDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement was created.
EndDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement period ends.
StartDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) the statement period starts.
StatementIdA unique identifier for the statement resource.
TypeThe type of statement.
StatementAmountA container for the StatementAmounts of the statement.
StatementAmount.AmountA container for a specific StatementAmount amount.
StatementAmount.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementAmount.
StatementAmount.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementAmount amount is being reported.
StatementAmount.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementAmount was a credit or debit.
StatementAmount.TypeThe type of StatementAmount being detailed.
StatementDateTimeA container for the StatementDateTimes of the statement.
StatementDateTime.DateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) value of the StatementDateTime.
StatementDateTime.TypeThe type of StatementDateTime being detailed.
StatementFeeA container for the StatementFees of the statement.
StatementFee.AmountA container for a specific StatementFee amount.
StatementFee.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementFee.
StatementFee.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementFee amount is being reported.
StatementFee.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementFee was a credit or debit.
StatementFee.TypeThe type of StatementFee being detailed.
StatementInterestA container for the StatementInterests of the statement.
StatementInterest.AmountA container for a specific StatementInterest amount.
StatementInterest.Amount.AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the StatementInterest.
StatementInterest.Amount.CurrencyThe currency in which the StatementInterest amount is being reported.
StatementInterest.CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the StatementInterest was a credit or debit.
StatementInterest.TypeThe type of StatementInterest being detailed.
StatementRateA container for the StatementRates of the statement.
StatementRate.RateA numeric value indicating the rate that was applied.
StatementRate.TypeThe type of StatementRate being detailed..
StatementDescriptionA supplemental description for the statement.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Statement": [
"AccountId": "string",
"CreationDateTime": "string",
"EndDateTime": "string",
"StartDateTime": "string",
"StatementId": "string",
"Type": "string",
"StatementAmount": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string",
"SubType": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementDateTime": [
"DateTime": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementFee": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementInterest": [
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementRate": [
"Rate": "string",
"Type": "string"
"StatementDescription": [
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

Statement Transactions Data by Statement ID

GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements/{StatementId}/transactions

Retrieves transactions information for the specified account ID and statement ID.

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Following customer authentication, access to more than 90 days worth of statement/transaction data will be possible for up to a 5 minute window. After this has elapsed or for any information requests without a customer authentication journey, Capital One will proactively trim any requests for more than 90 days worth of data.

If you require data older than 90 days you must request it following a successful customer authentication journey. You must also make the request within a 5 minute period following Capital One receiving confirmation that customer authentication has been completed.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
The ID of the account for which to retrieve transactions information.
The ID of the statement for which to retrieve.
$ curl -X get "$accountId/statements/$statementId/transactions" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the transaction.
CurrencyThe currency in which the transaction amount is being reported.
CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the transaction was a credit or debit.
StatusThe status of the transaction.
BookingDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) that the transaction was booked against the account.
AddressLineInformation that locates and identifies a specific address for the transaction entry.
MerchantNameThe name of the merchant involved in the transaction.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Transaction": [
"AccountId": "string",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Status": "Booked",
"BookingDateTime": "string",
"AddressLine": "string",
"MerchantDetails": {
"MerchantName": "string"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1


Our implementation supports individual and bulk Transaction requests.

To use the transactions endpoint the associated consent needs to have either the ReadTransactionsBasic or ReadTransactionsDetail permissions.

You’ll only be able to fetch transactions that were made in the range defined by TransactionFromDateTime and TransactionToDateTime in your consent.

Responses from the transactions data endpoint do not include the FirstAvailableDateTime and LastAvailableDateTime Meta fields.

Transaction amounts can change after the transaction is first created, and you can use the Status field to help identify transactions that are still pending.

Bulk Transactions Data

GET /transactions

Retrieves transaction data for all accounts associated with the customer consent granted for the access token presented.

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Following customer authentication, access to more than 90 days worth of transaction data will be possible for up to a 5 minute window. After this has elapsed or for any information requests without a customer authentication journey, Capital One will proactively trim any requests for more than 90 days worth of data.

If you require data older than 90 days you must request it following a successful customer authentication journey. You must also make the request within a 5 minute period following Capital One receiving confirmation that customer authentication has been completed.

Request Arguments
The access token you were provided.
fromBookingDateTimeA filtering parameter to restrict the returned transaction data. Only transactions booked after the specified time will be returned in the response.
Note: Transactions may be further restricted based upon the TransactionFromDateTime specified in the consent agreed with the customer. You will need to provide the start and end times in RFC3339 format.
toBookingDateTimeA filtering parameter to restrict the returned transaction data. Only transactions booked before the specified time will be returned in the response.
Note: Transactions may be further restricted based upon the TransactionToDateTime specified in the consent agreed with the customer. You will need to provide the start and end times in RFC3339 format.
$ curl -X get "$fromBookingDate&toBookingDateTime=$toBookingDate" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the transaction.
CurrencyThe currency in which the transaction amount is being reported.
CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the transaction was a credit or debit.
StatusThe status of the transaction.
BookingDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) that the transaction was booked against the account.
AddressLineInformation that locates and identifies a specific address for the transaction entry.
MerchantNameThe name of the merchant involved in the transaction.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Transaction": [
"AccountId": "string",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Status": "Booked",
"BookingDateTime": "string",
"AddressLine": "string",
"MerchantDetails": {
"MerchantName": "string"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

Transactions Data

GET /accounts/{AccountId}/transactions

Retrieves transaction data for the specified account ID

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Following customer authentication, access to more than 90 days worth of transaction data will be possible for up to a 5 minute window. After this has elapsed or for any information requests without a customer authentication journey, Capital One will proactively trim any requests for more than 90 days worth of data.

If you require data older than 90 days you must request it following a successful customer authentication journey. You must also make the request within a 5 minute period following Capital One receiving confirmation that customer authentication has been completed.

Request Arguments
The ID of the account for which to retrieve balance information.
The access token you were provided.
fromBookingDateTimeA filtering parameter to restrict the returned transaction data. Only transactions booked after the specified time will be returned in the response.
Note: Transactions may be further restricted based upon the TransactionFromDateTime specified in the consent agreed with the customer.
toBookingDateTimeA filtering parameter to restrict the returned transaction data. Only transactions booked before the specified time will be returned in the response.
Note: Transactions may be further restricted based upon the TransactionToDateTime specified in the consent agreed with the customer.
$ curl -X get "$accountId/transactions?fromBookingDateTime=$fromBookingDate&toBookingDateTime=$toBookingDate" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $accessToken'
Response Arguments
AccountIdAn identifier for the customer account. This is guaranteed to be unique and persistent for a given ConsentId.
AmountA numeric value indicating the monetary units for the transaction.
CurrencyThe currency in which the transaction amount is being reported.
CreditDebitIndicatorIndicator of whether the transaction was a credit or debit.
StatusThe status of the transaction.
BookingDateTimeThe Date/Time (UTC) that the transaction was booked against the account.
AddressLineInformation that locates and identifies a specific address for the transaction entry.
MerchantNameThe name of the merchant involved in the transaction.

Example 200 Response

"Data": {
"Transaction": [
"AccountId": "string",
"Amount": {
"Amount": "string",
"Currency": "string"
"CreditDebitIndicator": "string",
"Status": "Booked",
"BookingDateTime": "string",
"AddressLine": "string",
"MerchantDetails": {
"MerchantName": "string"
"Links": {
"Self": "string"
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1